Many talk about OKR (Objective Key Result) but few have really experimented and applied them OKRs are a management methodology that leads people to move towards high goals and when the entire organization moves together to transform. We are therefore talking...
The best of the press review of April 6, 2022 They talk about us: Libero Quotidiano Il Messaggero Adn Kronos Enti Locali Online Rassegna Stampa News Informazione Riservata Tebi Geek Sannio Portale ZaZoom Corriere dell’Umbria Il giornale...
Improvised offices in underground shelters to continue working despite the war In Ukraine, tormented by a conflict that has lasted for over 40 days, there are also those who try to maintain an impossible everyday life by continuing to work on the PC in...
How to stem cyber attacks on the National Network Cybersecurity: the human factor is fundamental The defense strategy against cyber attacks rests on three pillars: digital, application, and organizational security. Without forgetting that they must be...
As the times of war pass, the sectoral gaps will be quickly filled. By who? Market Analysis If we want to analyze the market vacuum left by the West in Russia as a response to the invasion of Ukraine, we need to take a step back and deal with the nature...
Cyber Attacks: What Will Happen in the Near Future? What emerges from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is that the war is no longer being fought only in the real world (on the land, air, sea) but also in cyberspace: there are over 50 hacker groups...