There are already thousands and yet, in Italy, they are almost invisible

thousands quoted business

Interview with Luciano Castro and Raffaele Colace. In a historical phase of global change, the centrality of the product manager emerges even more strongly. Not to be confused with the project manager


There are already thousands and yet they are almost invisible


They exercise a profession unknown to the general public but central to the life cycle of every digital product: they are product managers. This is what he explains to ‘Quoted Business’ together with Raffaele Colace, founder of 20tab, Luciano Castro, CEO of Castro & Partners, the first consulting company for Product Management, and an innovator in the digital world, the one who actually introduced the cloud and the pec. Experiences that were worth the call of the Minister of Technological Innovation and the Digital Transition, Vittorio Colao who, as part of the NRP, chose him as head of the mission which provides for the allocation of one billion euros to finance the transition to the cloud of all local public administrations. It is not an easy feat to achieve given that their total number is over 12,500.

Castro, always thinking about the problems of the Italian economy, and in particular about youth unemployment and the NEET phenomenon, will the Product Manager Alliance invest time and resources in training young people? “Yes, PMA was also born with the idea of ​​training industry experts and certifying their skills, with a careful eye on young people, the pillar and future of our society. This is why we decided to involve the largest Italian universities not only in shared research projects and masters but in the offer of scholarships that can open the doors of the job market to many young people. We want young people to stay in Italy to invest, plan, to dream: only in this way can the country restart and the economy can become competitive again. In other words, we want to release energy that is now wasted: creativity. We cannot afford the luxury of losing it ”.


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