Scrum methodology: 10 questions to understand how much you know

Metodologia Scrum Cop infografica

Scrum methodology: do you really know the rules of the game?


Testing one’s knowledge is the most reliable empirical way to identify the critical areas that can be improved and the strengths to be exploited in high-impact actions, which represent one of the objectives of the Product Manager’s mission. For this reason, continuing education can be considered a fundamental element in the performance of the profession. I recently decided to review the Scrum methodology.

As much as I think I know enough, rereading the Scrum Guide allowed me to:

  • Reworking the Scrum principles in the light of the experience gained
  • Draw new ideas for reflection
  • Seize further opportunities for study.

If you too want to test yourself, I suggest the key questions that will give you the opportunity to measure how much you know about the subject.


When was the Scrum methodology born?


The Scrum method was developed in the early 90s specifically to break down complexity and facilitate value processes in software development. The first official Scrum methodology, however, dates back to 2010 and was recently updated in 2020.

It is an agile and evolving guide that helps people not only understand Scrum what it is, but also how to participate in the community of Developers, that is, those who apply this method in the field in all sectors characterized by the complexity of the work.


What is Scrum?


The definition of Scrum tells us that it is an agile and lightweight framework that helps people generate value by finding adaptive solutions to complex problems.

I paused to break down this definition of Scrum and 3 terms, in particular, caught my attention:

  • People
  • Value
  • Adaptiveness


The Scrum methodology is about people


Scrum is based on the collective intelligence of a work team. It means that the focus is on relationships and interactions within a scrum process. The collective has sufficient and necessary skills and a wealth of experience useful to carry out the work, as well as to share these skills where required and acquire new ones as needed.


Scrum methodology of value


The Scrum method will be successful not only in relation to the Product Goal but also and above all in relation to the acquisition, by team members, of the following values:

  • Effort
  • Focus
  • Openness
  • Respect
  • Courage


Meaning of adaptive


What does “adaptive solutions” mean in relation to the definition of Scrum? To understand this, I searched the Treccani Vocabulary and discovered that the adjective “adaptive” is used in psychology and ethology, as well as in the technical jargon of automatic controls. In any case, it is used to define something capable of adapting effectively.

If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon. And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the wall and you won’t see a different solution to a problem you’re trying to solve”. (cit. Jeff Bezos)


What are the principles of Scrum Theory?


The Scrum methodology is based on two principles:

  • Empiricism
  • Lean Thinking

Empiricism is the thought that affirms that knowledge is the daughter of experience and that the best decisions are those deriving from the observation of phenomena. Since what will happen is unknown to us, only what has already happened can provide useful information for the decision-making process in the near future.

Have you ever been stalled before making an important strategic choice? If so, I recommend that you read the guide on scientific methods to overcome the fear of making decisions.

Lean Product Management aims to compress the process to the essential, progressively eliminating any redundant element and reducing the waste of resources.


What is the product in Scrum?


In Product Management, the product concept is central and the Scrum Methodology helps us to focus on it in a simplified and at the same time comprehensive perspective:

The product is the means that provides value. It can be a service, a physical product or something abstract and conceptual. In any case, it has well-defined contours of identified users / customers and precise stakeholders.


What is the Scrum Team?


The Scrum Team, the development team, in the Scrum methodology, is considered as the fundamental and indivisible cell, formed by a nucleus of a few people who take on the responsibilities of Developers, Product Owner, and Scrum Master. The jointly participated mission is to create measurable value (Increment) at each Sprint by making use of both skills and experience.


Scrum Methodology


The Scrum Team does not respond to the logic of the standard hierarchical structure, nor is it divided into subgroups, but it is strongly cohesive since it shares the same Product Goal and the same Product Backlog.

The members participating in the Scrum Team must be calibrated to form a unit capable enough and equally agile in completing the Sprint. On average 10 units are the maximum limit because in general smaller workgroups are more reactive and more communicative.


Scrum methodology: who are the Developers?


Scrum Developers are responsible for creating Increments with each Sprint. How do they do it? Taking on the following responsibilities:

  • Planning the Sprint (Sprint Backlog)
  • Putting adaptive intelligence into play (this adjective comes back again!) To modify actions in relation to the Sprint Goal
  • Recognize mutual professional responsibility within the process.


What does the Product Owner do?


The Product Owner is a single person whose primary responsibility is to maximize the value resulting from the work done by the Scrum Team. Since the Product Owner’s responsibilities also include the actual management of the Product Backlog, his duties include:

  • Product Goal Development
  • Sorting of Product Backlog items and priorities
  • Clear communication of the elements of the Product Backlog to the Scrum Team


The Product Owner is a figure closely linked to the Scrum framework not to be confused with the Product Manager who, on the other hand, also takes on responsibility for marketing and strategic business decisions. I talked about it in my article on Product Manager VS Product Owner.



What does the Scrum Master do?


The Scrum Master promotes the Scrum methodology, helping team members and those of the organization to understand the practices outlined in the Scrum Guide.

In essence, the Scrum Master is a leader who puts himself at the service of the team, carrying out different activities and multiple functions such as:

  • support the Scrum Team to focus on creating Increment of value;
  • organize training sessions for team members aimed at cross-functionality and self-management;
  • identify and destroy the obstacles that prevent the Scrum Team from progressing;
  • ensure that Scrum events are carried out positively within the boundaries of the timebox.


scrum master leadership

At the same time, the Scrum Master is also at the service of the Product Owner and the organization. In which way?

  • Shaping the organization in the process of adopting the Scrum Method
  • By supporting employees and stakeholders in the implementation of an empirical approach
  • Removing the barriers between stakeholders and the Scrum Team



What are Events in the Scrum Method?


When we talk about Events in the Scrum Methodology we refer to the whole that contains them all: the Sprint Scrum. To fix in mind what Sprint Scrum is and why it is so important, I decided to break the concept down:

  • Sprint Scrum transforms the idea into value.
  • The Sprint collects all the work necessary to reach the Product Goal.
  • The maximum duration of a Scrum Sprint is approximately one month and each Sprint is consecutive to the previous one.
  • Each Sprint Scrum includes other events such as: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective.
  • Only the Product Owner can cancel the Scrum Sprint and can do so in the event that the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete.


Sprint Planning


Sprint Planning marks the beginning of the work and usually lasts about 8 hours on a one-month Sprint. It takes place through the examination of the following topical points:

  • Sprint Value: the Product Owner analyzes how to increase the value of the product and its usefulness within the Sprint, so that the entire Scrum Team defines the Sprint Goal.
  • What to do during the Sprint: Developers choose the items from the Product Backlog that will be included in the Sprint.
  • How to do the work: for each single item of the selected Product Backlog, the work necessary to achieve an Increment is planned.


Daily Scrum


Within the Scrum Methodology, the Daily Scrum represents a daily short event, lasting about 15 minutes, involving the entire Team. One of the features of this event is the cadence: it is advisable to schedule it at the same time and in the same place to increase the simplification of the process.

At the end of the event, the Team must be able to produce a work plan that is feasible for the next 24 hours and to do so, it implements the following actions:

  • Inspect the progress towards the Sprint Goal
  • Adapt the Sprint Backlog as needed
  • Choose any technique or any tool / structure to optimize the planned work


Sprint Review


The Sprint Review focuses in a broader perspective on what has been highlighted during the various Daily Scrums, that is, the progress of the Sprint. The substantial difference is that during this event not only the members of the Team but also the key stakeholders are involved.

Scrum Team and stakeholders jointly inspect the results achieved in moving towards the Product Goal.

The Sprint Review Scrum work session lasts a maximum of 4 hours on a monthly Sprint, less for shorter Sprints.


Sprint Retrospective


How did the previous Sprint go? This is the question that opens the retrospective with the aim of increasing quality and effectiveness.

The whole team analyzes and discusses what went well, what obstacles have been encountered and how they have (or have not) been overcome. In practice, the inspection focuses on:

  • People and interactions
  • Processes and tools
  • Useful changes and impactful improvements

The Sprint Retrospective lasts a maximum of 3 hours in a one-month Sprint and is shortened in the shorter Sprint.


sprint goal metodologia scrum



What is the relationship between Artifacts and Commitments in the Scrum Methodology?


Artifacts represent value and are associated with a commitment that allows you to measure progress. In the infographic below I have represented the Artifact Value pairs in Scrum.


Artefatti e Impegni Scrum


Binomial Product Backlog Product Goal


The Product Backlog is an ordered list of what is needed to improve the product. It represents the only source and map for the Scrum Team’s work. Emerging items, which can be completed in a Sprint, are selected for inclusion in a Sprint Planning.

It is the task of the Developers, called to carry out the work later, to measure the size of the selectable elements. In this operation they are supported by the Product Owner who can help them in the search for mediated solutions.

The Product Goal is the goal against which the Scrum Team plans. It describes a progress of the product in the future.


Binomial Sprint Backlog Sprint Goal


The Sprint Backlog is compared to a high resolution photograph that captures, in real time, the work that Developers will do during the Sprint to reach the Sprint Goal. Summarizing in the Sprint Backlog the following are explained:

  • the why = Sprint Goal
  • the what = items selected for the Sprint
  • the how = feasible plan to achieve the Increment

The Sprint Goal is the only goal of the Sprint, it is designed during Spring Planning and then added to the Sprint Backlog.


Binomial Increment Definition of Done


Each Increment is a milestone towards achieving the Product Goal. Different Increments can be created within a Sprint Scrum and the sum of all Increments is shown during the Sprint Review. The main features of the Increment are:

  • To generate value, the Increment must be usable
  • To be considered part of an Increment, the job must meet the Definition of Done

The Definition of Done formally describes the status of the Increment when the latter fulfills the qualitative metrics required for the product.

In summary, when an item highlighted in the Product Backlog meets the Definition of Done, an Increment is generated. If, on the other hand, the inspected element does not meet the requirements, it cannot be released or presented during the Sprint Review: so return to the Product Backlog flow for any future considerations on the matter.