OKR: what are and how to use them in the goal-setting process? In this guide, I dedicate myself to studying a corporate management strategy: the OKRs. Before we begin I would like to make it clear what you can expect from reading. Point by point we will proceed...
Scrum Sprint Events: What Are and Why Do They Turn Ideas into Value? Since the Scrum Sprint is the beating heart of the Scrum Methodology, where the idea becomes value, I decided to turn my attention to the events that make it up and that are functional to...
What are KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)? Find out how to measure the success of your product What are KPIs? These are reference data that no Product Manager can afford to lose sight of. Indeed, without monitoring the metrics associated with the process,...
Fear of making decisions: find out how to overcome it As a Product Manager, you are called upon to make larger or smaller decisions practically every day. Based on the priorities set, you will have to choose the development plan, who are the competitors to...
What does a Product Manager do? The profession as they have never told you Those who expect to find a didactic explanation of what the Product Manager does in this article may be disappointed. The intent we set ourselves is much more challenging: we want to...
Product Management – What is it? On these pages, we have talked in detail about product management, an organizational function widespread within those companies that are dedicated to the development of products and/or services. The product management...