OKR case study: learn from 3 success cases (Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn) When I approach companies and organizations that decide to align company objectives, scaling them at a multi-level (from macro to individual), first of all, I make sure that the reasons...
OKR template to download to effectively apply Objective and Key Results Recently, I dedicated an article to how to correctly write Objective and Key Results (OKR). The next step is to ‘ground’ the theory, that is to see how the writing of objectives...
How to write correctly OKRs and avoid the most dangerous errors How to write correctly OKRs is the argument that we will elaborate today. If you followed me along my path, starting with the in-depth guide on OKR what they are, you will know that OKR is the...
OKR what they are and which software to use to manage them better OKR what they are? The acronym of Objective Key Results. They are used both as an effective tool in Management By Objectives (MBO) and as a privileged channel to communicate where the...
Company performance indicators: Characteristics and KPI examples Setting the company performance indices allows the manager to check if and to what extent the strategic objectives have been achieved. For this reason, I go back to talking about KPIs (Key...
Differences between OKR and KPI, practical examples In this article, I will use KPI practical examples and OKR examples to highlight a rather common approach error: the belief that they are pure Data-Driven systems. Using the empirical method, I would like to...