The data published by the Cloud Transformation Observatory confirm that the Cloud market in Italy is sufficiently mature for further progression. The study shows that this technology can play an important role in the country’s system. This explains public...
Cloud Computing Italy 2022: 3 challenges and 4 trends Cloud Computing plays a central role as part of Mission 1 of the PNRR, collected under the heading “digitization and innovation”. The IT cloud is the technology that simplifies the digital...
Cloud Enablement: what is it? Cloud PA Enabling Plan Strategy Cloud Enablement traces an evolutionary path from the uneven and fragmented situation of the IT and information systems of the PA towards efficient use of IT technologies. The aim is to optimize...
National Strategic Pole: what is it and how does it change Italy? In recent days, the National Strategic Pole has attracted the attention of the national media. The reason is the publication, which took place on January 28, 2022, of the call for proposals for...
Cloud Italy Strategy: Cloud PA migration Cloud Italy Strategy is a programmatic document created by the Department for Digital Transformation and the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) with the aim of responding to three main strategic challenges:...